Yes it took 4 of us to remove the shelves. From left to right, myself. my sister Debi, her daughter Sheila and my best friend Donna.
The moving crew...The men are my husband Roy on the left and Wayne, Sheila's husband.
The first shelf is in. It was my idea to shrink wrap the shelves so the stamps wouldn't go flying. Aren't I
Getting there!
Scor-Pal products waiting to moved to the truck...
The "Office" is 12' x 30'

It is starting to come together!
Stamp supplies, Copics, flowers, ink pads etc.
So much cardboard!
Scor-Pal products. We are finally finished! It was an excellent move because Roy had done the floor plan with graph paper so we knew where everything was to go and it worked out to within one inch! He rocked!
Hope you enjoyed the journey!
Edited to add: Some of you have written to ask about my own craft room. I dare not show you a photo of my huge craft room, you would die and I would too, of embarrassment. Maybe I need an 8 man moving crew to help me with it but then the men would just groan the whole time. Can't you just hear them..."You need this and this and this and WHY?" They would never understand. Maybe when I have it clean and organized I might, I said MIGHT take photos.
Maggie hugs,
PS. Let me know what you think, leave a comment and you will be eligible to win a prize.
Oh My Goodness Diana!
You have your beautiful house back to normal!!! What wonderful news.
You have a very special husband!! I am thrilled for you.
Your new space is just perfect as you say!
Can't believe how organized it would you like to come and spruce up my craft space LOL
Hey - do you think you might get some cards made now you have your house back? Sure hope so....
Hope you enjoy your new working space.
Lots of Love, Candy
Wonderful photos of your move Diana! Looks like you'll be able to move around without bumping into each other. Love the fresh color of pain on the walls. Hope you'll be so much happier there and can get your house in order!
Hi Diana!
Your new craft store looks wonderful and so organized. It will be lovely for you to have your space back in your home. Maybe I should hire myself a craft room so I can have my spare room back. Love the photo's.
Hugs Maz
Looks great! Congrats on the new space.
Wow, what a wonderful new office. Isn't it fun to move into a nice new clean space where you find everything and work and have fun.. You have a dear wonderful husband and you are a very lucky woman, so guess he is a keeper everything looks so good and wish you had been behind the computer working away!! LOL Thank you for everything you do... congrats
Hugs, Jean
You must be super excited!
Finally a "business space" so you can grow and grow!
Wowza...I can't believe you had all of that in a bedroom!!! Congratulations!!!!
You sound like super organized people, I knew it was a female with the shink wrap. Congrats on your new office I hope you enjoy every inch of it which I am sure you will, when it makes your life easier. A supper move with lots of great help.
You Go Girl!
Are you tired yet? Congratulations on your new space - can't wait to see the new minis -- are you gonna be busy or what!?!
Diana, so awesome that you guys moved into a bigger space! Congrats!
Hi Diana,
Your new space looks great. Finally you will get your home back to normal! Kinda nice to be so organized! Tilda Hugs, Pam
Hi Diana,
Love your new space, so organized. You have a wonderful husband.
Linda I. aka Craftin Kay
Congratulations Diana! What a terrific husband to know what you need and go ahead and get it for you! Looks so wonderfully organized and I hope it makes life easier for you!
Mazel Tov! May you craft and work in good health and happiness.
Congrats, Diana! You get your house back, and have loads of wonderful space for all the product.
Deb H.
Your new space looks wonderful! I loved all the pictures and to see the smiles on all the helpers faces. I think the shrink wrap was brilliant!
Congratulations getting your own craft room and business area.
What a treasure your husband is.
It will make your work a lot easier.
Hey Diana I am so happy for you to be getting your own business space and to have a room back for your grandchildren I know how special that is. Roy is a keeper I would say :) Enjoy can't wait to see your craft room pictures don't be shy now hehehehe
I love your stamps, I can't afford them but I love to look at them anyways. TFS
Congrats Diana, first for having a bigger place to work from and second for having such a delightful hubby for taking care of business whilst you were away. By-the-way, love my scor-pal and buddy!! Oh whilst I have your ear, love my scor-tape too!
Congratulations!! Everything looks so organized and wonderful! I just want to poke around...and order one of everything, lol!!!
I have a WorkBox (Mother's Day present last year) and it is AMAZING for keeping all my crafting stuff organized and within arm's reach. Of course I'm such a 'junkie' that I need shelves too but it holds a ton of stuff!!
Here's the link:
I have the white one and once it's put together, it's awesome!!
Thanks for sharing the photos of the move to your new office space. How wonderful to have your home back and such a wonderful new office space. Your hubby did a wonderful job calculating the space needed. Everything looks so organized...your hubby did an amazing job of calculating the space needed.
Congratulations on the move Diana. It looks wonderful and will be so much fun to work in. I bet it will feel like you moved house as well, having the extra space and reorganizing. Enjoy, warm wishes from SA.
How exciting to have your house back and to have this wonderful place to store all our stuff until we buy it.
What a great space Diana!!! The color is beautiful, it looks more like a craft room. Your DH is really great for helping you get the space and plan it!!It looks very organized and should be a great place to work!!
Way to go Diana! Good luck in your new office....... and enjoy your "new" room at home!
hugs - Jody
Congratulations on the move.Much more space and now you get your room back!all thanks to what would we do without em!!???
wishing you happiness in your new shop/office
hugs judex
Congrats on your move! I love the calming color you painted the office. It looks like your husband did a great job organizing it all. Is he available for home scrapbook rooms? I love love to shop it all in person, but I will have to settle online. Thanks for all you do!
Wow!!! what a clever husband you have, to have sorted all this out on a floor plan and the fact that it all went so smoothly, UNBELIEVABLE!! congrats on the move and wishing you every success with the new venture, sure it will be a great hit!
Congratulations on the fab new office space!! It must be a real joy to get your 'room' back and to have some sort of 'separation' of work place and play place. Good luck with the new premises.
Congrats on your new office space, Diana! It looks awesome and well organized! Your hubby did a great job, what a treasure he is! And love the picture of the whole moving crew :-)
Hope you enjoy your new working space! Have a wonderful weekend!
must feel great to have the guest room back =). the new space looks divine
I finally get to catch up with my blog visiting. Wow Diana, how sweet that Roy got everything planned for you and I think he is happy too to get the room back for his sweet grand-daughter, lol
The new office space looks great - 2 thumbs up!!! Congratulations :o)
Wow, what a big job to move all that! I am sure it will be nice to have that extra space in your house, and your granddaughter will love having her own room!
I'd love to see pictures of your craft room... I'd never get mine clean enough to post photos! LOL
Congratulations! It's wonderfull.
Wow! And congratulations! Roy, you really do ROCK! Love that he made a floor plan, so clever!
The space looks great!! You must be so happy to have space now for precious Sienna to sleep over!
It looks just wonderful! Very organized and ready for business! What a wonderful hubby to plan it all out! Enjoy!
Diana, your new space looks wonderful! Thanks for sharing pics of the move ~ always fun to see how everyone else does things! You sure had a great, hard working crew. I'm assuming that Roy is/was an engineer ~ who else would have thought of doing the graph paper planning?! Now enjoy having your house back as a house and not a business!
Hugs from Barbara in SC
OH OH Diana....This is wonderful!!! Roy is a charm!!! maybe you should keep him. tee hee hee.........
Thanks for sharing your fun and great news of the the growth! It will be so nice to have your haouse back and a business address also.
hugs, Janiel
Great pics of your move! So happy for you to have a real office now. Looks like you & Roy had everything well thought out in advance. Congrats on the new place!
Oh my!!! Your new space is FABULOUS, Diana!!! I'm smiling because I thought you and Roy were supposed to be retired!!! LOL! I must say, though, I'm sure glad you're here to supply us all with our Maggies!!!I can't wait for the new minis!! YAY!! Congrats, darlin', on your new digs! (((hugs))) Pat Frank
Hi Diana,
Well, I'm sure you needed a nap after all of that work. How lucky to have Roy's plans before hand, I could have used him about 5 years ago for my move. We all know that it was you who made things go smoothly.
Congratulations on your new space. It looks wonderful.
Hi Diana
Congrats on your move..everything looks fab..each inch is covered and so well planned...
May your little Maggi's continue to grow & grow.....
JoAnne Micon
Congratulations, you have a fabulous line, and deserving of success!
I can't believe how organised it all is!! But then, I guess it has to be or you'd never get anything at all done. It looks fantastic - and I can only dream of having fun in there...with no limit on my credit card.
Your new offise looks beautiful!
Lucky you ♫
Hugs from Helle in Norway
Coongrats on the new space!!
Wow! It looks great, a great working space and getting your home back all at the same time.
Hi Diana, I see you didn't forget your Kuerig Coffee Machine!!!LOL. A new space to fill up sounds like great fun to me, hope you can stretch out and get some work done.You are a lucky lady to have such a fun job!!!
Diana, congrats on the growth of your business that you have to move to get more room. I can just picture you having to move again (yikes!!!) a few years down the road because THIS office space won't be big enough...LOL. Thanks for sharing the pictures and taking us down the journey with you.
Your new space is so organized! As for your craft room... it's just liberating for me to know that I'm not the only one who just can't seem to get the nerve to post a picture now:)
Wow!! What a fabulous new office. I am sure you are thrilled to have your house back and have a guestroom again. It looks great and so organized.
Wow it looks great!! I would LOVE to have a place like that just to scrap, LOL! You all did a great job.
Huge congratulations on this move Diana! Roy ROCKS for taking care of all the details before hand! Great looking space, and how fab to have it out of the home now! You must be exhausted by now.. time to sit yourself down for a nice cuppa!!! *smiles and hugs*
WOW! Congrats on your new office. Hope it makes things easier for you. It looks like it was alot of work, so I'm glad you had lots of help. Rea Custer
Congratulations on your new office!!...Great to have your house back I bet...and your idea to wrap the shelves was definetly clever!!...Thanks for sharing these moving photos. I'm with ya on the craft room...(I'd be too ashamed to show mine, Ila
I like the idea that your husband on his own looked and found a place that was exactly what was needed to the inch and planned where everything was to go. This is what makes your company run smooth and with great precision.
Signed A Happy Customer ALSO
aka TA
OMGoodness I can't believe you are moved and already set up. Can I use you when I move my scrap room! Wow!!!! Congrats on the new space and having your room back.
Now take a day or two to take a breath! AMAZING
Diana...looks like you have a wonderful new space to put all the goodies. Sounds like your husband is wonderful too! TFS
Diana glad to see you are spreading your wings and taking flight! Congrats on the business growing so much that this move was necessary. nice. I'm sure it will be so great not to have the business in your house anymore! Everything looks super organized and that was a great "move" on your husband's part! Congrats on your new space!
Hugs ~
Pam Brown
Organized new space how wonderful! Enjoy getting your house back and making that room special for your granddaughter. A wonderful husband you have too.
Congratulations to you and Roy on your move!! Thankfully you had great help with the move and your new place looks great. I bet those grandchildren are going to love their new space at your home.
Congrats on her new office space! Luv the new space. WoW, you have one incredible hubby. He's sooo sweet!
Wow!! How awsome is that office!!! Plenty of space! And how sweet of hubby to rent it out, and design the space for you!! Amazing!!! Congrats!!!
What a lot of work but so well worth the outcome! Thanks for sharing the "process" with us. Can't wait for the tour of your craft room.
How great to have some one to plan your new space, can I have him for about two weeks so I can get my room together,LOL You all did a great job
Susan in KY
You must have an engineer in the family! It looks great but anytime you decorate with a Keurig and Kcups you have my vote!
How exciting...growing in the midst of this economy is a huge thing...HUGE congrats are in order!!
Congratulations Diana & crew!!! How exciting!!!!! Blessings to all of you!!
Enjoyed your moving pictures. What a wonderful husband you have to take charge and do something on his own just for you. You are one lucky lady. I would love to see your craft room when you get it organized.
Well, now you'v really tweaked my interest - I wanna see your craft room!!!! ;O) Glad the move went well - looks VERY well organized - cudos to Roy for spearheading this project!!
Deb T.
Congratulations on your new location, it looks great
Wow, Diana! Congrats on your new office space. Wow, how I would LOVE to play (er... work) there!! Hee hee!
Would love to see pics of your crafty room... I'm sure you'd have us all drooling! Hugz, Irma
Congrats on the new office space and how organized you are already! Way to go!!!
Congratulations on the wonderful move, Diana! I'm sure your sweetie pie granddaughter will be thrilled to have a bedroom!! You should decorate it in Maggies!! LOL!! Seriously, how cute would that be??? Wish I lived by you, it would be so neat to see your new office in person!!
Maggie hugs!!
How exciting! Moving into a new office and a fresh start on an amazing journey. I'm so glad to be a small part of it and look forward to future ventures!
office looks amazing Diana, and i would love to see your craft room, I need serious cheering up after the last couple of weeks. Hugs to you all
I think it looks fabulous, what a clever hubby doing floor plans and all! Bet you are glad to get your 3rd bedroom back.
I would love to see your craft room, I could dream that I too will have one some day
Your husband had a good idea. You now have your room back. Wonderful. Congrat on your new office.
What a wonderful new space for the store! I'm sure you will enjoy having your home space back and also enjoy having a little less hustle/bustle in your home.
BTW, I'd love to see your craft room! Mine is messy all of the time. How can you really work on a project without having everything spread out everywhere so that you can see it all? And, how many of us actually work on only one project at a time? I seem to always have three or four going at once.
Congratulations on your new space!!!
How exciting to be able to move to a new location, and to have a hubby so good as to help you. Congrats.
Hi Diana, thank you for sharing the move to your new location... the new home of the Maggies and all the new Mini Maggies to come!! How exciting is that!! I know you had told us that you were getting the minis, but Congratulations on becoming the North American Distributor of them!!
Oh my. It looks fantastic I'd love one of each magnolia!! Thanks for sharing. I'm just movin my craft space into my new home and it's a nightmare and yes I get the moaning!!
Congrats on your new office. The pic of the room empty looks like my craft room - same floor, wall colour, baseboards, etc. only my room is only 8x9'. You are looking very organized.
Hi!How lovely for you,it all looks totally amazing and such a nice home for all those yummy Tildas etc (i am such a fan and totally adore them)
Hope you have great times in your new home!!
hugs Lou.xx
OMGosh Diana! What an amazing move! Your hubby was so clever to create a design plan to put everything in it's place. I'm sure that made the move so much easier for you.
Way to go & congrats on your booming business! Couldn't happen to a sweet person!
Huggies ~
Congratulations Diana ... it's nice to see that your business has grown and you need a larger space ... more room for more magnolias ....
Diana - your new space looks fantastic!! How nice of Roy to plot everything out ahead of time - can he come to my house and help me?? I hope your life will be much easier now!
Oh how exciting and awesome!!! I'm very happy for you to have Office space AND your home back!
I enjoyed the pictures of your move. The office looks great; so tidy and organized. Could I borrow Roy to organize my craft room? Iris Soscia
Congratulations Diana & team, I am sure you will enjoy the new office's an awesome place, neat & well organized. It's good to know that you get your home back...
Cheers, Dewi
It looks as though your move went as well as moves possibly can go, Diana! You were obviously very well organised and it'll be great to have your home back!
Diane x
WOW...What a huge undertaking. But the new office looks great and it's nice to have the sapce back in your home.
Great pics...Cathy
Wow what a great husband!
Thanks for sharing your pics & congrats on the new office!
Wow talk about a magna-stash and it's so organized very sweet of you hubby to help :)
hugs Nikki C
Diana, Congratulations on the "new" space for the operation of your business! It is well planned and executed and I am sure your family will love that you have a place to go to daily to do this job you love so much, AND have the space at home back to family space. I have lots of Tildas, but not any of your new ones...Maybe I will be the lucky one! I am slowly adding to my Copics, am Copic Certified and want to get all of them...They are the best.
Thanks for sharing your move and being such a great Maggie lover.
Happy Holiday Hugs, Martha
Diana, I forgot to comment about the "possibility" of seeing your craft room someday...I share our spare bedroom with the day bed our two little grand daughters use when they sleep over and their Princess kitchen and a couple of Princess chairs. The closet is more than half filled with toys. So half of a 14x12 space is what I use. It is always cluttered because I too do not have enough spaces for all that I have and certainly not all I want. So don't feel badly. Most of us have cluttered craft room/areas and need some organization. But then when we make something, it gets cluttered again. LOL!
Good luck getting it "photo ready".
With kind regards, Martha
I think you should just bite the bullet and SHARE!!! ;O) Every crafter loves seeing how others set up, what kind of goodies they have and salivate over stuff they see that they absolutely must have. I know that every time I see someone's craft room posted on line, I get the best organiztional ideas - hop to it girlie.....let's see what you've got!!
Deb T.
Congratulations Diana, to your new office AND that husband of yours. Do husbands come like that or did it take a long time training? I thought I had mine trained but it looks like “back to the drawing board”:) Oh yes, I would love to see your craft room, may be it would make me feel better about mine.
with friendly greetings from New Zealand
Hi Diana, your new office looks great, husbands!!!! I like the story of one DH looking into the craft room and saying..."why do you need to buy more stuff, you must have ten thousands dollars worth here", and she looked him square in the eye and said.."of course there isn't that amount of stuff here" of course there isn't she is saying to herself it's more like twenty thousannd!! Love Tilda
Rene from OZ xo
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